08 December 2005

*yawn* ...gd morning......lol..... since tis blog is onli accessible by its wed domain...... i m not going to bother wth an intro........
wonder how u all r doing.........haha

well....later 2day i m going to go for my sch choir concert.....named cantare...... get to see some ppl i hav not seen in weeks..... probably gonna get reminded tat my life sux ....... lol...>.<>

lol.....it seems as though i can't contact everybody when i want to.......lik hui ting...... yu hui....... ppl from my choir..... wei yu....... shufen........ n when they r online i m totally exshausted.... 2 tired to watch wat i say....... probably insulted some of them....... my deepest apologies........

from wat i heard [or saw over msn msnger who cares]some ppl went for our sch informal prom....... wonder how it was lik...... 2 bad i could not go........

lol....my mom complain tat i waste electricity by playing a few hours of com..... so tats all i will blog 4 now.....


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