31 May 2006

wonder why i am doing this

Unfortunately, someone "tagged" me..why cheryl why?
ok so here are the instructions:
1. The tagged victims have to come up with eight different points of his/her perfect lover.
2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the second time, there's no need to do this AGAIN.
5. Lastly, most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.


gender: lacking y-chromosome
1. has heart [do the synonyms yourself]
3.pays attention to surroundings
4.comfortable being herself
7. enjoys my company
8.likes LOTR

ok.... now my victims....
1.kai ting
5.qing wen
8.yu hui

dun ask me why i only picked one guy... i have no idea myself

27 May 2006


the ability to change is one of our greatest gifts, too bad we don't have something to tell us when to.


finally, it is the holidays, i have gotten mostly over my depression, i have time to catch up or slow down, things are looking up for me, i have friends to be with, and i got new specs.

yeah the last statement looks a little out of place......

but hey, that mean i no longer need to use my blog to vent my fustrations.

now i have no idea what to type.


ok.... maybe i'll talk about today

woke up with a shock realising i had choir, rushed down and turned up on time [yeah i'm lucky]

haha, but those basses in AJchoir started bitching at me for [i think] somehow messing up my hair.. i think they finally noticed i got new specs...

haha.... thats why i prefer to hang around the altos

but i really have to stop giving hints that i like someone in their section, those gals are really quick at thinking


on the way home a fren of mine commented that anyone who dislikes me must be crazy...

ok wipe that look of shock off your face

well yeah ... i sort of agree with her to a certain extent [too much social studies]

but most of my frens have never seen my selfish side, hope they never have to...

haha, speaking of friends, one of them asked me why i like mellryn so much. that moment i was lost for words. sigh

well, hope mellryn will come to like me..... hope i m not just dreaming...

haha.... must keep spirits up....

time to do HMWK... cya people

19 May 2006

flash: one week jus passed

what will you do if that special someone asks you to go for someone else

man experiencing technical difficulties... i'll fix it someday

lost all my econs stuff, common test gonna fail, gonna get kicked out of choir for not doing chinese homework, and many other things......


for one thing, gladis gave me some advice on mellryn, which sounds really like the advice matilda gave on yu hui.... somethings you can't hear more than once without freaking out.

so.... my life goes on....... on the path to self destruction....

some people would dearly love to see me lose... Yup i know i got like that word emblazed on my forehead.... but its sort of only visible to ego-istic losers....

lol.... for those people who don't care bout my opinion i wonder why your reading this.... still looking for ways to make me look like an idiot right?

haha..... sort of in an emotional upset.... i can't keep my feeling for u hidden anymore, mellryn.... it just hurts toooo much.... hope you don't generalise all guys ... i don't exactly fit into the discription.....

i just realise mellryn will probably not read this,


must. watch. obsession. level.. do. not. push. your. luck.

why does my heart hurt so bad?

13 May 2006


will you pick yourself up, if you know that you will keep falling?

Well..... life is ok.

my grades are falling, choir is killing exhausting me, and i am not getting on well with my schoolmates. not that AJC students are weird or anything.... i just feel out of place.....

Chinese homework is killing me too....

time is running out for me... can't sleep or think properly.....

all i can do is wish upon a shooting star............