28 September 2007

Gears cranked into place

Some people want change.
Will they sit and wait and beg others to help them,
or make the change themselves?

Another week has gone by before we expected it to. While going through papers, tutorials and stress in general, does anybody notice it is the last few times This J2 batch will spend together? Today was spent in a eye-rolling GP lesson, a fun filled break, a PD tutor birthday celebration, more chemistry tutorial,going through chem paper2, and about 5 HOURS OF MATHS TIMED PRACTICE. JC life has its funny quirks. I'll miss it.

There are somethings to say about how JC education works. One of the things that we need to do is actually pay attention and not hope that everything can be mugged at last minute. Lectures are not for sleeping. 3 people asked me about the same questions for chemistry over 3 days. Its alway fun to watch people draw linear water molecules and make Al2Cl6 have an extra pair of electrons.


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