For great justice
All your base are belong to us
never underestimate the healing power of viral threads
never underestimate the healing power of viral threads
So this is the end to another week, another week closer to A levels. My dear PD tutor reminded us of that fact. "Its good to have hobbies [we were on that topic], but remember hor, not for the next 6 weeks." The sad life of JC. I have the A level timetable next to my monitor, and so far the thought of how close the exam is has not crossed my mind as much as run in screaming incoherent terror over it. {phrase from queen of wands. copyright aeire) That phrase i find is an apt description of how most of us are feeling about the Alevel papers. There is a general feel of uncertainty, i guess from the lack of preparedness. Preparedness in the sense of work during J1 and early J2. Slacking during those times comes with a really high price i guess, but for me i feel that the Price is worth it. You can tell i have been mugging alot recently, mis-spelled esther's name as ester. Thanks for pointing that out Joshua.
Speaking of prelim papers, this week marked the beginning of the analysis of our prelim results. The absolute horror. All paper were interesting, in their own way. Biology was especially interesting in the creativity of answer on how bacterium from the human large intestine could be transmitted to another human. Economics was intriguing by the number of people who picked a killer question over a... relatively easier question. Mathematics was just plain annoying at how many obstacles there were between us and the answer and the marks. Chemistry was interestingly holistic. Paper one tested our application of concept in new situations and analysis of data, paper two tested our concepts and technical abilities, and paper three tested time management, decision making and analysis of reactions. GP was about the future. Enough said. I hope my marks reflect the amount of work I've put in. Same hope for anyone who is reading this. Well, i guess its time to finalize my summaries for the subjects maths, chem and econsH1. Hope they help. And hope i have a little time to do some decorating.
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