27 April 2007


Keeping secrets:
When does the right for others know
become greater than
the right for one to keep something secret?

[I have no idea, but i prefer to keep to the truth
so i don't need to remember what i said.]

One of the biggest highlights of this week was me finding out that an online game added 6 more levels. The first of which i believe to be 'broken' now, such that i can't play the rest. Argh?
Its a wonder sometimes, how little time we have leftover to spend as we like. I'm going to go do some tutorials now.

20 April 2007


~Ripped off from a discussion with a friend~
Self confidence:
How much is too much?
When you are willing to challenge
what is told or implied to you?

This has been one interesting week. Besides the 3 major events in a JC student's life falling on the same monday.
What I had was NAPFA test all 6 items, Bio SPA skill A, and choir concert performance on the same day. It was an interesting experience rushing from one venue to the next. But more so was the experience dragging myself through the rest of the week. Forcing myself to pay attention when what i really wanted to do was sleep. I'm surprised i haven't passed out in choir yet... When I was in secondary school such stress would probably have made me black out. Have I become stronger, or just more determined?

Thursday was choir SYF auditions.
I'm on Probation like last year. I'm thankful for the chance and for those who have believed in me.
I'm not feeling too thankful for the people who clearly put in [or thought they put in] lots of effort but didn't get results.
From now to SYF will be a high stress period for me. I can't shake off the feeling that I'm a liability to the choir. So I'm gonna try relearn my parts and push myself to do my best this one last time for AJ choir.
My homework is so gonna suffer. =P

13 April 2007

Final Steps

Is there any logic behind being Paranoid?

Its THE final days before choir concert. Choir members are all pushing for ticket sales. Together with some others, we managed to subsidies some people enough so that they thought it was worth coming. I'm going through this lets-be-Socrates-but-instead-if-killing-yourself-lets-be-whiny-and-emo mood.
Its hard to do things sometimes. Some conflicts of interest.
1 to infinity] school vs. choir
Surprising right?
I was thinking... that the present in truth does not exist. Its an illusion that we create at the point the future becomes the past. Think about it.
Can you ever say now is now?

05 April 2007

Glass. Cracked

Risk-takers are an unusual part of econs -- the few who are willing to invest with uncertain returns.

One week. Its only been one week. And the shadows are behaving as though some mad scientist pumped them full of Human Growth Hormones. Homework piles up, as the race for choir continues.
Nothing more to add now. All the cards are in play.