14 March 2008


argumentum ad ignorantiam

The argument from personal incredulity,
also known as argument from personal belief
or argument from personal conviction,
refers to an assertion that because
one personally finds a premise unlikely or unbelievable,
the premise can be assumed not to be true,
or alternately that
another preferred but unproven premise is true instead.

quote from wikipedia

also known as 'shooting down an arguement'

Came home at midnight. Went to see AJchoir off at the airport... Their flying to Italy for another choral competition. It was good to mix with those 'young kids' again. After 3 months of BMT. The difference in atmosphere was huge. The day before i went to Plaza Singapura for the first time in recent memory. Surprised at how much things have changed. After living with army food, anything looks and tastes wonderful. No wonder i'm gaining weight again. The civilian world looks different after you have been through army. One thing is the fact that any fit male over 20 should know how to fire a rifle.

Went to collect my results last friday. My results are not bad, but not good either. Sad that Two years of hard work and activities can be reduced to one sheet of paper. There are those that i feel did not put in an equal amount of effort, only achieveing their results through a good choice of subject combinations with easy papers. There are many i feel deserve straight A's for all the effort i've seen them put in. But Life's unfair.
I guess thats what this blog has been about, how life's unfairness can be fought. But one thing i've learnt is that no matter what you do, fairness cannot be achieved. Thus we have to choose to do our best to keep things fair. If we don't, who will?

Isn't it wonderful that the decision lies with everyone of us?
signing off for the last time. goodbye.


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