26 December 2005

well..... no one's online.....sigh....

i was in a gd mood ysterday bcoz i thought i had a happy christmas....

then i had to talk to some ppl bout how they spent their christmas

pretty stupid huh?wy can u fill sf in bout mishel(findulas)?
well.... can't say it was a miserable christmas...i helped out at my church.... enjoyed a long time on d com.....managed to talk to some ppl close to me...... but.....

sigh..... i m alone.........findulas is far away...
and some ppl got to spend time wth their loved ones......
and some ppl had parties
and some ppl could go out to giv others presents
and some ppl's younger bros were less annoying
and all i could do was enjoy a silent dinner of take-aways wth my parents

my mom believes tat d internet is making me more rebellious.... so she is cutting my time on d net.....i keep trying to sneak on after 10pm....

d noose is drawing in tighter..... i hope i can cut it b4 i suffocate.........


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