15 April 2006


You can't force yourself to love someone,but can you force yourself not to love?

well... last week i made the mistake of pushing myself to the limit on monday's PE session.... then died HORRIBLY on tuesday's PE.... well.... for one i am rather weak, but i was not the only one complaining... i feel so sorry for my afternoon PE teacher, having to put up with worn-out students like me......

wow... i have started writing some stuff online..... the third post is taking WAY long..... give me some time.... thanks norbert for helping!

as usual i have tons of homework.. but have no mood to go study.

sometimes i wish i was in a poly.....

08 April 2006


dreams tell us many things: are u willing to listen?

wow wat a week

its seems that i am running out of energy... but must try keep up.....

tis week was the first time i had PE lessons proper... on 2 consecutive day.... OUCH! i offically dislike monday and tuesday.

the homework is starting to pile up too.... better get back to it.....

01 April 2006

slowing down.... b4 the longest sprint

you only know what something is worth when u lose it

lol.... nice day.... alot has happened

sigh.... still so tired!!!!!!

i am sort of missing church on saturday for choir practice........ feel so bad.....

then i played a stupid trick on Nellyn...... srry.......... all the caps locks were fake........ at least i hope their fake ..............


ah well ..... those weird dreams are starting again..... where i wake up with incomplete memory of them........ and what i recall fades like dust being blown off the floor..........

ah well.... tired.... and have homework......

blog again next time