NAME ONE BOOK WHICH YOU HAVE READ MORE THAN ONCE: Lord of the Rings. Got so obsessed with it then read it enough times to get bored with it. bugger. NAME ONE BOOK YOU WANT ON A DESERTED ISLAND:Is this about a book we can't live without? If not i will gladly have "how to get off a freaking deserted island by some weird guy" IF its about a book i can't live without..... can i say the bible? NAME ONE BOOK THAT MADE YOU LAUGH: Investingating the Unexplained by Paul Roland. A book about the possibility of aliens, ancient space travel, pychic powers etc. Though parts of it make sense, this book trys to show different conflicting points of view. It made me laugh wondering why on earth they bother. NAME ONE BOOK THAT MADE YOU CRY: Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson. The diary in the story is written by a fictional woman to her son on how lucky her life is, to have him. the last entry was written by the father saying that the woman died of a heart attack at the wheel of a car, taking their son with her into the depths of a river. *sniff* NAME ONE BOOK YOU WISH YOU HAD WRITTEN: Campbell. then i will not have trouble remebering all the stuff in it. NAME ONE BOOK YOU WISH HAD NEVER BEEN WRITTEN: Eh, Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. 'Nuf said NAME ONE BOOK YOU ARE CURRENTLY READING: oh no..... been trying to catch up on homework.... not reading anything now.... NAME ONE BOOK YOU HAVE BEEN MEANING TO READ: Campbeel, Darwin's Watch, any book that prepares you for "A" level bio. NAME ONE BOOK THAT CHANGED YOUR LIFE: The Journey by... darn forgot his name. i did not understand what large chapters of the book meant when i was an innocent young kid, but those were NOT the parts that changed my life. Just in case any perverted freak gets some ideas. The 7 stories that were told at the ending were inspiring.... TAG FIVE PEOPLE: hmm... Cheryl, Qing Wen, Yuan Ting, Chris, any one who reads this