10 December 2005

scroll down for d main post tis are d clues i promised earlier
okok.....now for d clues i will give for these 3 anagrams:
when unscrambled:
'hlIf Jet DingE' is linked to 'lRin NetBeWOns' by warcraftIII
'hlIf Jet DingE' is linked to 'DAkrAS GaTysRAkewl' by Starwars
'lRin NetBeWOns' is linked to 'DAkrAS GaTysRAkewl' by LOTR

lol..... another clue is which letters are in caps..... careful bout d cap i 'I' n small L 'l'....... n d number of original words are d same as in d unscrambled words.........

tis is d 3rd time i checked thru....shld b possible to work it out..........


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