14 October 2006

someday i will update my blog template. someday

they say that the future is uncertain. It is not the future that is uncertain, it is the people who shape it that are uncertain. If you believe in something go for it.....

uncertain efforts lead to uncertain results

well, it has been a week.

I never thought a week would past so utterly fast and utterly tiring. Had choir day in day out... pfft.

Now then, i know i don't really belong in AJ, but that does nto stop me from trying to be a part.

Well, next week the applications for Orientation Group Leaders [OGLs] will be opened. I hope to join... but think my lack of tact will count heavily against me.

Ah well, must go back to doing some last minute editting of my PW WP now.

every day i meet people who dislike others for being who they are. If you ever ever repressed your personality, you would understand that there's no point trying to please anyone by being someoneelse. Hope you understand.
with dreams,


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