05 June 2006

full stop

Would your rather be good at doing something naughty or bad at doing something nice?

welllll.............. my dreams of a better life are so different from reality.... but who cares

now, sir kewi,the knight of Siglap south, the one with marvellous girth, is going away on a noble quest to aid TPJC choir in some overseas competition. What hath overcometh my tongue to speakth such?

Never mind

well, so no choir tomorrow= math lecture, econ lecture and make-up Physical training tomorrow. now it is time for a slight pause, a full stop in the story of my life. then it is time to record my agony of catching exam fever, and hopefully recovering.

but it also might be the full stop before i fall really sick and miss the world choir games and my promo- but i'm just hallucinating.
So ... full stop. time to catch your breath before one super long story.


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