08 June 2006


What will you do when your world just completely collapses? they say its a test of your self-confidence and esteem. i think i failed .
Well, should have expected.... happiness for me never lasts long.... but i was really hoping this day would never come, that i could finally change my blog title.... to something like 'luck changed for the better'
but its all just a dream
sorry Rosie, i frankly just blew up at you. thankfully it was over msn.
One big sorry to Rosie of 19/06. i hope this will never happen again
The only obvious way the prevent this from happening is .... trying to be depressed all the time
yeah, cruel fate.
sigh, well i promised myself not to sigh on this blog again. guess i inheritted abit of my mom's fickleness towards promises.
must. continue. to. keep. my. promises.
well, now it is time to measure ourselves against what life has to offer. frankly, i will not perform up to expectations this time. for those expectations are built around a person who no longer exist.
goodbye, whatever constituted as my life of dreams. hello, the storm of reality.
i expect this is going to be a challenge; but i am going to walk into it with my head held high.
for better or for worse,


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